Author Interviews, author spotlight

Ryen Lesli

As writers, we all go through stages where we believe we are the worst; we convince ourselves that our work is dreadful and those words are sneaky. They manage to sink right into the best of us. This is why I really wanted to interview Ryen. She has confidence, sticks to her guns, and she's… Continue reading Ryen Lesli

Author Interviews, author spotlight

Author Cassidy Reyne

I know I always say this, but I had such a fun time getting to know Cassidy. It is always nice to meet a fellow indie author. She has a great sense of humor and she's a romantic at heart. Two of my favorite things. Great qualities, don't you think? Read on and meet her… Continue reading Author Cassidy Reyne

Author Interviews, author spotlight

Andrea Gibb

Today's post was supposed to happen yesterday, so I apologize. Oops, my bad. I spent all weekend writhing in pain from a back injury. And I'm double sorry because today's guest is so much fun! I enjoyed getting to know Andrea and I know you all will, too. She's a writer, she's a mom, a… Continue reading Andrea Gibb

Author Interviews, author spotlight

Lindsey Richardson

Today is my favorite day! It's Author Spotlight day! We have an amazing, multi-novel indie author for you. That's right, today I'm interviewing the very talented Lindsey Richardson. If you haven't heard of her yet, then you've come to the right place, and if you have, let's get to know her a little better, shall… Continue reading Lindsey Richardson

author spotlight

Charlie Knight

Welcome to author interviews–the first of many, I hope. Lately, I've realized there are a lot of great authors out there that get buried underneath a pile of rejection letters and self-doubt. Social media is a wondrous thing, but it only gets you so far. Once a month I'd like to showcase a very special… Continue reading Charlie Knight



I have enjoyed posting about my crazy antics over the last year, but with a new year comes changes, big changes. I had the privilege of being interviewed the other day and I thought, "I'd love to do something like that." So, The Papercut Diaries is getting a makeover. Sounds like fun, right? I certainly… Continue reading BIG NEWS!