

I have enjoyed posting about my crazy antics over the last year, but with a new year comes changes, big changes. I had the privilege of being interviewed the other day and I thought, "I'd love to do something like that." So, The Papercut Diaries is getting a makeover. Sounds like fun, right? I certainly… Continue reading BIG NEWS!


Evil Ants

As I think about writing this post, the only thing that comes to me is the taste. It sincerely gives me the willies just thinking about it. It's a sweltering July evening. I'm staying with my mother, since I recently moved home from across the country and we want nothing more than to soak in… Continue reading Evil Ants


Chairwoman of the Floor

Yep, I've fallen through a chair. Twice! Fun fact: Charles Darwin added wheels to his laboratory chair, in order to be able to move freely and have easy access to his tools and paper. Isn't that creative? It's Sunday (family day, as my dad calls it) and we're circled around a table playing board games,… Continue reading Chairwoman of the Floor


Rip Between The Lines

Dear Diary, Today I ripped another shirt. Today's topic is one that I hadn't really thought about until today when I tore a brand new shirt--and I'm talking brand spanking new! I got it last night, washed it and put it on when I got up. Four hours later the shirt got snagged on the corner of… Continue reading Rip Between The Lines


Burns and Beautification

This one's for the ladies (mostly). Of all the products and tools we have for our hair the curling iron is the one that always seems to attack me. I don't know about you, but every other time I pick up that thing I somehow manage to burn myself. I don't burn myself in the… Continue reading Burns and Beautification


Um… Why? Why Did I Do It?

Hope everyone had a lovely holiday! Today's post is something we can almost all relate to: over imbibing. I waited to start my drinking years until my mid-twenties. After graduating high school, the only goal was to escape my hometown. It didn't really matter where I went or what I did. I ended up in… Continue reading Um… Why? Why Did I Do It?


The Bare Necessities

I hate that we've ruined the planet with modern technology. There is so much plastic floating around on our planet it could probably feed everyone in the world for at least ten years if it were a food source. The only invention I couldn't live without is the toilet. I don't want to think about… Continue reading The Bare Necessities


Join Me! (Bring Bibs & Band-aids!)

Looking for guest writers! I've received so many comments about how people have also done some strange things to injure themselves and it got me to thinking: I would love to hear more and post them to my blog if any of my followers/visitors would like to guest blog or be featured in a post.… Continue reading Join Me! (Bring Bibs & Band-aids!)